Mona Lisa Smile Discount

Author:Â Deborah Chiel
Publisher:Â ONYX 0451411218
Year: 2003 Print: 1 Cover Price: $6.99
Condition: Near Fine. Light wear.  Not read
Genre: Fiction Movie
Cover by Â
Pages: 245
In 1953, free-spirited Berkeley graduate Katherine Watson accepts a position as a teacher at Wellesley College, a women-only school where she finds students who are torn between their thirst for intellectual freedom and the repressive mores of the early 1950s. Original. (A Revolution Studios film, written by Larry Konner & Mark Rosenthal, directed by Mike Newell, starring Julia Roberts, Marcia Gay Harden, Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles, & Maggie Gyllenhaal) (General Fiction)
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